Blissful Living Blog
Ready to Rejuvenate Your Life? Time For: The Masterpiece Method
May 25, 2022
Rejuvenate Your Life Emotionally, Mentally, Physically, Spiritually & Creatively With The Masterpiece Method
As a spiritual guru and business consultant, I meet a lot of people in crisis. Conventional help always seems to include you or them being sick, defective, or broken. I disagree with all that. The truth is, the American Dream has collapsed, along with the foundation and framework that we ran our lives on. It is as if the game board we were all standing on has disintegrated!
Without the life map that game board provided, many of us have become lost. How do we fix that? We need a new America Dream. One that includes spiritual consciousness. We have to implement a new foundation and new framework to build our mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual lives on. We have to honor the relationship between the mind, body, and soul with a new way of approaching life.
Two years ago, I went through an incredible, life-altering process. It healed me of decades of trauma and allowed me to speak about my experiences. The process also completely aligned me mentally, physically, spiritually, and emotionally. I ended up in that place of consciousness that human beings thrive in.
I poured everything I learned on my journey into 10 steps that will allow anyone to live a life they can be proud of. That metamorphic 10-step process is calledL The Masterpiece Method. This ten-stage method teaches anyone how to design and live the life of their dreams.
If you are ready to become your own life guru, inspire others or teach others this method I have shared the steps below. if you, or someone you know, wants a teacher to walk you through the steps, then email or contact me about the course or one-on-one coaching. It takes just 8 weeks to change your way of living.
You can create a life you will love, and Shaman Isis, author and creator of 5 Minutes To Emotional Mastery, will show you how. The Shaman Isis Show covers emotional and mental mastery through the lens of mindfulness, spirituality, tech, news and culture. Enjoy 30-40 minute episodes featuring one-on-one interviews with authors, speakers, healers, witches, coaches, and wellness professionals. Check out Isis' solo streams on current affairs if you prefer short podcasts. Ready for life-changing listening? Then enjoy the premiere episodes for Season 3 of the Shaman Isis show.
About the Host: Shaman Isis is a spiritual avatar and pen name for mindfulness and emotional mastery expert, author and speaker Cynthia L. Elliott. Cynthia is one of the most accomplished women to grace the marketing world. As a communications pioneer, she founded the fields of brand communications and influencer marketing. Her work with powerhouse brands, celebrities, and business icons has guided some of the most unique cultural shifts of the last two decades.
Despite years of working with a who's who list of tastemakers, she is one of the kindest and most relatable voices in the podcasting world.
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