Is Your Consciousness Expanding? Here’s How to Tell
14 Signs You’re Experiencing a Spiritual Glow-Up
(Shaman Isis pictured at the Fort Lauderdale International Book Fair on Saturday)
As an artist and nature photographer, I am obsessed with closeups of animals, insects, and flowers. Years ago, I realized I had achieved higher consciousness on one of my jaunts to the lake to photograph birds. How did I know? For months, I had been trying to get close-ups of herons with a simple 35 mm camera, but I couldn’t do it because the birds stayed just out of reach. That day, and after months of shadow work, I suddenly realized the birds were not flying away. They were letting me get right next to them. That was when I understood I had shifted from high-stress to high-vibe. I also realized then that achieving higher consciousness allows a return to our natural state. The inner work had brought me back to the frequency of love…of nature.
Have you been feeling different lately? More at peace? More in tune with yourself and the world? If so, you might be experiencing an elevation in consciousness—a powerful transformation that signals personal and spiritual growth.
Consciousness isn’t just about awareness; it’s about how deeply you perceive and engage with life. Think of it as upgrading your inner operating system—more clarity, profound intuition, and a heightened sense of connection. I define consciousness as presence of energy and higher consciousness as creating an enlightened presence in energy.
Many people have experienced a shift in consciousness in recent years, especially with the rise of mindfulness, self-care, and spirituality as tools for navigating an ever-changing world. The pandemic forced many of us inward, leading to deep self-reflection and, for some, a profound awakening. Since then, many have gone within.
So, how do you know if your consciousness is leveling up? Here are 14 telltale signs I share with students and clients learning how to raise their consciousness.
You’re stepping into a more awakened, vibrant version of yourself:
1. You embody gratitude
Gratitude isn’t just something you practice—it’s how you live. Even challenges feel like growth opportunities.
2. You’ve ditched destructive habits
Negative behaviors, toxic patterns, and mindless distractions no longer have a grip on you.
3. You take radical responsibility
No more blaming. You fully own your choices, actions, and energy.
4. You honor your emotions & respect others’ happiness
You no longer let emotions control you. Instead, you process them with wisdom while respecting others’ journeys.
5. You radiate self-love
You treat yourself with kindness, set boundaries, and embrace your worth unapologetically.
6. Your energy is consistently elevated
You feel lighter, calmer, and more balanced—even during tough times.
7. You accept change with ease
Instead of resisting the flow of life, you ride the waves with trust and confidence.
8. Toxic people no longer have space in your life
You’ve cut ties with energy-draining relationships and surround yourself with those who uplift and inspire.
9. Kindness, love, and compassion come naturally
You feel an overwhelming sense of connection to others and lead with love.
10. Productivity flows effortlessly
You no longer force things but work with intention and purpose.
(Get my popular new GlowUp with Shaman Isis Collection. It shares my most popular books, transformative 9-step course, meditations, and more, designed to amplify your life and keep you in high vibration! Shop while on sale here!)
11. You’ve ditched the need to compete
Comparison and competition don’t interest you. You’re too busy walking your path.
12. You feel a deep inner peace
Drama no longer entices you. You value inner harmony above all else.
13. Your intuition is sharper than ever
You trust your gut, and it rarely steers you wrong.
14. You radiate a new frequency
People notice something different about you—your energy is lighter, brighter, and magnetic.
If you resonate with these signs, congratulations! You’re evolving in powerful ways. Want to dive deeper? Check out GlowUp with Shaman Isis: The Collection, a box set of my spiritual books, meditations, and my course for raising your vibration and commanding your life experiences.
✨ Stay in the glow-up! ✨
A little housekeeping before I go!
Thank you so much to everyone who has streamed and subscribed to the GlowUp with Shaman Isis podcast! We now have over 3000 Spotify subscribers and close to 75,000 downloads! Keep listening to episodes to help us hit this incredible milestone!
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(Please take a moment to vote for our nonprofit to win 25K in the Entrepreneur of Impact Contest. Voting is free and takes but a moment.)
Lastly, thank you to everyone who voted for me and SoulTech in round 1 of the Entrepreneur of Impact Award! We made it through! I am now in round two, so please vote for us in the second round! Let's keep it going so that we can win that 25k and open our first wellness temple!
Check out the latest episode of GlowUp with Shaman Isis on all major platforms. I interview the fantastic sensuality coach and GTFU Retreat Guide, Fab Bliss.
Wishing you a beautiful, high-vibe week!
Love and light,